Food Pantry Fridays

The elementary school communities in Sudbury are incredibly gracious contributors to the Sudbury Food Pantry. They provide nearly 35% of what the Food Pantry distributes each month to 60-80 families. Every donated item allows the pantry to serve its mission of helping any individual or family in need. More information about the Sudbury Food Pantry can be found at


As an ongoing social action experience, 4th and 5th graders encourage Loring students and staff to donate what they can to the school's collection one Friday every month.   Collection days are busy days!


Have just one hour to make a difference for families in need?

We could use your help! One Friday each month, 5-6 adult volunteers are needed to assist the students. Come one, some, or all of the collection days - your time will be appreciated.


Each 4th and 5th grade class is assigned a month to lead. They will create posters and advertise throughout the school the food pantry's most needed items. On food pantry day, the class will be in charge of sorting the items into the correct categories. This is where the adult volunteers come in! We need adults to help the kids correctly sort the items ("where does tomato soup go?!"), then a few volunteers will need to drive the items to the Sudbury Food Pantry (typically at Ascesion Church). The whole event typically takes 1-2 hours. Volunteers can help with all, or just one, of the above tasks!

 If you are interested in volunteering on a collection day – one, some, or all – contact Heather Larson or sign up here


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