Thursday Notice Submissions

If you would like to publish announcements in the Thursday Notices, please submit by 5pm Tuesday evening of the week you would like to be published.

Please use these guidelines when submitting:

  • Write your submission in text format below. Images and attachments should be in jpg, jpeg, gif, or .png format. Please do NOT submit PDFs.
  • Please limit the amount of text. Simplify as much as possible!
  • Double-check email and web addresses AND write them out fully. Example: instead of “email Joe Leopard” write “email Joe Leopard at“
  • If you are running a submission over several weeks, please submit EACH WEEK to ensure that your information is included.

Remember: Thursday Notices are for PTO announcements that are relevant to the school community at Loring. If you have questions on what can be submitted, email


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