PTO - Room Parents & Open Positions

10/16/2024 4:24 pm

The PTO relies on volunteers to run successfully.  Many roles can be done primarily from home and all can be done on your own time. 


Immediate Needs: 

 * Room Parents for Bullock (2nd Grade)

* Webmaster (open as of 12/31) - maintain website and update sales forms and signups in MTK as needed.

* Loring Eats Coordinator - coordinate with local restaurants to schedule "eat around town" nights for the Loring community and raise funds for PTO.  


Upcoming Needs (Onboard now to shadow current volunteers): 

* Camp Fair Coordinator - coordinate the PTO's 2nd largest fundraiser (and the only one that requires no funds from our parent/family community). Has support of Camp Fair team to break up responsibility; Coordinator role can be split between 2 people.  

* Leopardfest Committee (multiple openings) - plan and execute our September back to school  celebration.  Our current team is aging out of Loring and we need new members to keep this event going.  


Please email for more info!

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