APRIL 1: Need Lunch and Recess Volunteers
3/26/2025 10:30 am
Sign up to help your child's grade at recess and lunch!
Lunch & Recess volunteers needed for GRADES 2 & 5 Friday March 28 and ALL GRADES Tuesday April 1 (we currently have NO volunteers this day). Slots are now open through April 2025 so please signup if you are available. It's a great way to see kids at school and is much valued time for our classroom teachers to have planning time together.
Dates, times and training information can be found on the volunteer page of the PTO Website. Please read through the instructions carefully and email Kerri Brien kerriapatrician@gmail.com with any questions.
To SIGN UP, please click here and make sure to "Read More" for other important details.
Please make sure you have an active CORI form on file with SPS by checking in with Paula Saliga (paula_saliga@sudbury.k12.ma.us) or Vicki Harrington (vicki_harrington@sudbury.k12.ma.us) in the front office.
Before you volunteer, please be sure to click here and review the orientation slides and click here to watch the training video. You will also need to sign a confidentiality agreement. These forms are available in the front office and can be completed when you check in for your first volunteer shift.
Please check in at the front office 5 minutes prior to your start time to sign in, obtain a badge and proceed to the playground.
Can't make your shift? PLEASE try to find a replacement first. If unable, please email loring_office@sudbury.k12.ma.us.
Upcoming Events
- Sunday, March 30
- Monday, March 31
- Friday, April 4
- Wednesday, April 9
- Monday, April 14
- Friday, April 18
- Monday, April 21
- Tuesday, April 22
- Wednesday, April 23
- Thursday, April 24