Box Tops for Education
Loring participates in the Box Tops for Education™ program. Clipping Box Tops is an easy way for you to help our school buy what it needs. Box Tops are each worth 10¢ and they quickly add up to real cash for our school.
Send your Box Tops to school with your child in a Ziploc bag or envelope marked with your child’s name and teacher. The collection box is next to the door to the main office, between the office and the front door. Every month, the class that collects the most Box Tops will earn an extra recess!
Loring Eats
Three times a year, fall, winter and spring, we partner with a local business to raise funds for our school. Past fundraisers have had us visiting Sudbury Pizza, Lotus Blossum, and Mooyah. Questions or suggestions can be directed to Alissa Snowden.
Textile Recycling
Here’s a great way to help Loring while you clean out your closets! Textile Recycling helps Loring earn money and helps you de-clutter. You can put clothing, shoes, pillows, stuffed animals, linens, etc. in the bin. Items in good shape will be reused. Items with holes, stains, etc. will be recycled. Not only are you helping the environment by not letting these items go into landfills, Baystate Textiles will pay Loring PTO based on how much we recycle!! Win, win!
For a complete list of items acceptable for recycling, please visit: Bay State Textiles – Acceptable Items for Recycling
Our textile recycling bin is located in the Loring Parking Lot. Please remember to bag your donations.
The program generates a rebate of $100 per ton of textiles collected!
For more information on this program, please visit
Donation to PTO
This contribution supports the cost of Loring PTO programs, activities and resources.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
- Friday, March 28
- Saturday, March 29
- Sunday, March 30
- Monday, March 31
- Friday, April 4
- Wednesday, April 9